Version 1.3.2 is a minor release. It includes small bug fixes for the TeleMega flight software and AltosUI ground station
AltOS Firmware Changes
On TeleMega, limit number of logged GPS status information to 12 satellites. That's all there is room for in the log structure.
Improve APRS behavior. Remembers last known GPS position and keeps sending that if we lose GPS lock. Marks locked/unlocked by sending L/U in the APRS comment field along with the number of sats in view and voltages.
AltosUI changes
If the TeleMega flight firmware reports that it has logged information about more than 12 satellites, don't believe it as the log only holds 12 satellite records.
Track the maximum height as computed from GPS altitude data and report that in the flight summary data.
Use letters (A, B, C, D) for alternate pyro channel names instead of numbers (0, 1, 2, 3) in the Fire Igniter dialog.
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