TeleGPS v1.0
These are photos of production version 1.0:
These early boards used a different processor, a transmit-only radio chip, and had a few other minor differences from current boards.
User View
- GPS tracker and logger
- Offers custom digital telemetry, APRS and direction beacons
- 16mW transmit power
- High-dynamics GPS receiver for accurate tracking
- Uses 3.7V Lithium Polymer battery.
- 1.5 x 1.0 inch board designed to fit inside 29mm airframe coupler tube
- 2MB on-board data logging flash
- Built-in USB connection for configuration, data download and battery charging
- 12.3g flight weight (including antenna, excluding any battery)
Developer View
- Hardware Features
- NXP LPC11U14 System-on-Chip
- ARM Cortex-M0 MCU
- 32k Flash
- 6k RAM
- USB 2.0
- 8 12-bit analog inputs
- I2C, SPI, async serial
- digital I/O
- uBlox Max 7Q GPS receiver
- TI CC115L 70cm transmitter
- Built-in USB data download and battery charger connection
- 2MB SPI flash
- NXP LPC11U14 System-on-Chip
- Software Features
- Written mostly in C with some ARM assembler
- Runs from on-chip flash, uses on-chip RAM, stores tracking data to flash memory part
- Tools Used
- Licenses
- The hardware is licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License
- The software is licensed GPL version 2
There is a single manual for TeleGPS and all other Altus Metrum products, which is available in html and pdf formats.
The hardware design files can be found on in the project hw/telegps.