TeleMetrum Flights

This page contains Bdale's notes about each flight of TeleMetrum to date. Actually, not so much, we've started filing flight logs and the associated analysis results in git respository tmflights.


Flew sn 1 in Vertical Assault on J335 at Tripoli Colorado launch site near Hartsel, Colorado. Good flight data collected through apogee. Data record ends apparently coincident with firing of apogee charge by adjacent MAWD. One mounting screw found missing later (the one that goes between the screw terminals and the LiPo battery connector), so it's entirely possible the power was short-circuited briefly when the screw worked loose.

Raw flight data, processed data, plot.


Keith flew sn 2 twice in his Grappler at a local launch in Portland on D12-3 motors.


SCORE launch at Hudson Ranch, two flights of sn 4 in Robert's Lil Nuke. In neither case did we turn on the HT, all RF reception was via TeleDongle.

First flight used an Aerotech G54W-M. Telemetry logged using TeleDongle sn 5 and aoview on the pad and throughout the flight, then flight log dumped after recovery. Rocket was beeping out 390 when recovered after flight, and we continued to get telemetry even after rocket was on the ground.

Raw flight data

Second flight used an Aerotech G79W-L, with the delay chosen to intentionally put ejection well past apogee. Telemetry logged using TeleDongle sn 5 and aoview on the pad and throughout the flight, then flight log dumped after recovery. No beeping when recovered, and last telemetry frame captured was at 15m AGL just before touch-down.

Raw flight data